The Only Winning Move Is Not to Play
I grew up with Movies. One of my favorites is the old 80’s movie “War Games” with Matthew Broderick. In the end, this “learning” computer learns that some games cannot be won.
Sitting in Unknowns
I heard someone say once, “a measure of our healing is how much we can tolerate unknowns.”
Why Am I Still Talking?
Sometimes I face this blog with many topics to talk about, and other times…not so much. lol.
Inner Longings for Community
I hear “community” often spoken of by others, by myself. Each time I move to a new place this longing awakes inside of me. This longing for a sense of connection.
When life is fully lived, it becomes a prayer.
When life is lived, it is a walking prayer. Life is a prayer, not because the prayer is done, but because the life is lived.
The Person With Love Wins!
Do you want to hear my secret belief? I don’t believe the world is based on money at all.
May You Evolve This Breathtaking Portrait of You
During most of my early life, I lived in a paradigm that life was about the product I produced. Did I produce a good report? Did I do a good job? Etc, etc.
Let it Rain Tears
This morning as I sit with my coffee, unbidden tears burst forth. They come from deep inside not directed by my thoughts.
A Year of More Blogging by Lori
Okay folks, I’ve decided to do more blogging this year, every two weeks. Exciting and intimidating!
Life as Waves and I am the "How"
Life comes towards me like waves in the ocean. Sometimes it passes right thru me and is gone. Sometimes it causes ripples of thoughts or feelings inside of me that linger after the event has hit the shore behind me.
I Find Myself Dancing with Vulnerability
Vulnerability is one of my most profound teachers. Long ago, I could not dance with vulnerability at all.
How Unconditionally Can We Love Ourselves
Of the millions of words written about healing - it all comes down to Self Love.