We are master storytellers

To be a victim or not.

“But they threw a rock at me!”

Let’s say this true.  Someone threw a rock at you.

Are you a victim?

How do you tell this tale to another?  “They hit me in the head with a rock”
“Someone threw a rock and I was hit in the head.”
“They hit me in the head with a rock on purpose!!”

We have to laugh at ourselves, for we have all told the story of being a victim.

Even years later… do you say…?
“He hit me in the head with a rock”
“I had a head injury”


So interesting…

How do we tell the story of our past?  We are the spinners of the story of ourselves.  Even if we do not speak of it, we may feel the victim inside.

Today I watch carefully how I speak of people from my past.  Recently I was sued by someone in civil court.  It was the perfect playground to practice non-victimhood.  Do I say “I was sued…” or do I say “I was involved in a civil suit.”?  Do I say “he wanted money from me.” Or do I just say “he sued for money.”  In the end, do I now say “I had to write them a check.” Or “I chose to write a check.”   Or do I say “… I had to write a stupid check to the asshole!”  Lol.   To be truthful, I have said all of the above. (We are all beautiful imperfect humans)

Now, though, I tend to use the non-victim speak.  It feels better inside.

How we tell tales of our past is our choice.

It is a fine line to be both emotionally honest and to have responsibility for ourselves.  Denying our hurt is also not a healing choice.

We talk of “world peace” - but I do not see it as an external event.  I feel world peace would be an outer reflection of all of us here on Earth voluntarily stepping away from being victims.

It can be subtle, very subtle.

Try telling a someone (or even yourself) a story about something painful in your past.  How do you tell it?

The wondrous thing is that we can shift from victim to taking responsibility with only subtle changes in how we hold our own story.

It is a powerful shift and important because…

In victimhood, I relinquish my power.  In victimhood, I am forever prevented from any self reflection.  In victimhood, I step away from my own divinity, because as a part of divinity I always participate in the creation of my experience.

We have to stop trying to change the world by brute external force.  It has been and will always be an inside game.

We are all master storytellers.  What story do you tell?


Inner Longings for Community


When life is fully lived, it becomes a prayer.