"Let's Fall In Love"


So, here’s the deal... when we love someone we are seeing their “spirit.”  AND, at the moment we see someone else’s spirit, we are also connected with our own spirit.  I’m going to throw that out there as a hypothesis.  

When I say “love someone” - I mean Real love, unconditional love - the love our spirit always has available.  It’s the kind of love that withstands any kind of event.  Divine love.  If you are a parent, likely this is the love you feel for your children.  They may piss you off, infuriate you, or hurt you, but when the day ends, you love them.  

As human beings we are literally obsessed with the idea of “falling in love” … it’s the moment we wait for in a movie…it’s what millions of songs are written about…  Why?  Why?  Why?  

I was thinking about an early part of the Hoffman process.  Very early in the week I say to my students “I see you and I love you.”  It is a great opportunity for them to notice what stops them from receiving love.  For me, I don’t want to pretend this as I say it, I want to feel it.  So I will spend some time seeing the spirit inside them before I’m expected to say this.  Ah ha!!   Bingo!   I don’t even know these people and I love them?  

Is Love merely the connection spirit to spirit?  Do we HUNGER to feel “LOVE” because in that moment it also connects us to our own spirit?   

We can only do for others what we can do for ourselves and vice versa.  At the moment we feel tremendous love for another, we can feel tremendous love for ourselves as well.  At the moment we feel tremendous love for another, it’s as if they can do no wrong.   We are seeing their spirit.  I wonder… was it always just about that? 

Hmmmmm….. so…. the other important thing to know is:

It is fully in our power to “fall in love” any damn time we want!   You can fall in love today.  You can fall in love right now!  There is nothing stopping you (other than you).  You are responsible for allowing that to happen.  So do it!   Don’t wait for Mr/Mrs Right to walk-in ... don’t wait for someone to say the right thing or do the right thing ... don’t give them that power.  Fall in love with someone right now!  Your child... a friend... your partner... a colleague... someone you haven’t seen in years... someone you don’t even know...the postman... the person waiting on you at the grocery store... yourself!   

Just do it!  See them (their spirit, their beauty) and say inside (you don’t even have to say it out loud) “I see you and I love you” and let yourself FEEL IT.

Feeling love opens our heart. 

and ... Divine love is just waiting to rush in when this happens. 




The Guilt Experiment - (Day 10)


"Yes, Please"