"Yes, Please"

My oldest daughter used to say “Yes, please” when I would ask her if she wanted something which I knew she loved.   It would always make me smile.  A simple offering, and a simple acceptance.  "Brenna, would you like for me to make you a coffee?"  "Yes, please,” she’d say with a big smile. 

I'm going to suggest that at the root of every exchange is "love."   At some level, the energetic exchange between two people is LOVE.  Okay, that might not be on your mind as you order your coffee in the morning, but what IF love is at the root of every exchange?  

Love IS an exchange.   We think of it as a feeling, but I like to hold it as an "energy" - an experience, one we all seek.  In this experience, the energy of love must be let into our heart in order for that to happen.  Love has to be offered and love has to be received.  We CAN do this for ourselves.  Other people can do this WITH us.   and we can do this with "the light"/God. 

Do You Love Me? 

We re-live the same request.
Over and over again
We ask...
"Do you love me?"
And over and over again,
in every moment,
we listen for the answer to this question;
In the look from the cashier,
in the glance from a passerby on the street.
Each brush answers the question
"Am I loved?"

We don't know this is our question,
And they, of course,
do not know they are being asked.

   - Lori - 2016

I reflect back many years ago to a moment when someone said to me "I love you."  The voice inside my head answered "No, you don't."  It wasn't a rational voice, although my mind might have been able to rationalize this thought later.   I might have said to myself you don't really love me because you don't know me well enough; or you don't really love me because you don't mean it; or you don't really love me because I am unlovable.  

This is a simple example of a FAILED love transaction.  I did not "receive" the exchange.  Something was offered, and I said "No, thank you."  

For reasons known only to ourselves, we all have various "no’s" around the exchange of love.  


What triggers your "no" to love?  What beliefs keep it there?   Charlie Chaplain once said "I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member"  ... in other words... What is wrong with you that you love me?  (okay I can laugh at this... but really it's a scary piece of logic).

What keeps your "no" in place?  

At any moment, there is a limitless amount of love available to you.   There is no scarcity of love.  

At any moment in time there is a limitless amount of love trying to get to you...   

We may answer in any way we choose.    

Here's to a year of more "Yes, please."  



"Let's Fall In Love"


No, No... You can't make me!