When Life Changes ...

(So I’ve fallen off the face of the Earth for a bit… and have been having a dickens of a time getting a post actually posted… but here it goes)

When life changes - and the things I assumed would be there each day when I woke … aren’t.  

When life changes - and ties I felt so strongly to people just weeks before are distant and at times unimportant.

When life changes - and the me today is not the me from the day before.

When life changes - and my attention is keen and alert upon a new vibrant horizon.   

When life changes so does the “game” my mind used to play.

There can be the simultaneous experience of being extremely awake along with extremely unsettled.  The somewhat sleepiness of life is gone and each day brings something new and unique without the effort to create this experience - each day simply is new and unique in many ways. 


Yep, that’s me, filthy, free and using power tools!

Yep, that’s me, filthy, free and using power tools!

These last six months have brought change to the planet and to my settled life.  Within the wave of change a few months back I made a conscious choice to jump upon the wave and ride it.  I’ve done this before so it wasn’t completely new.  This time it was less painful than the time before.  I’m so grateful that I’ve already ridden a change tsunami in my life so I knew the basics.   “Let go” “surrender” “trust I will land somewhere more beautiful than before.”  “Be willing to give up everything.”  (The key point is “willing” the loss of things is not necessarily required).

It’s now six months later and I’m living in another state - Hawaii - in another house I’ve help build.  I’m officially moving in a couple months but I came to visit and in April and haven’t left.  

Back in Marin (the Bay Area), I am leaving many people and things I care about.  After uprooting myself four years prior to move to the Bay Area from Minnesota, I had finally created a feeling of community.  And then this...

When life changes...

I asked for change ten years ago, so the responsibility is mine.  Because I’ve never “unasked” for it. Spirit-guided change has always brought such gifts that I am ready to forgive the unsettledness and pain that travels with it.  At the root of this is whether I trust divine energy to create better than my planning mind would want to.   At this point I can say confidently “yes,” as I have seen the results often enough.

I am reminded that who I am IS “change”. When I am really connected and aligned I am always moving, always creating as a being.  I must be able to create as well as destroy knowing I can build again.  This cycle creates strength and resilience inside of me as well as solidifying my partnership with spirit.  

So this morning I sit in my new screened in porch that I helped build with two of my kids and my partner Mike drinking my coffee in my new mug (important detail) in my new house in another place far from where I was a few months ago. 

Am I unsettled? Absolutely.

Am I experiencing grief of what I am leaving 2,300 miles away? Yes.

Am I extremely awake? Yes, extremely.

Am I stepping into the unknown? Yep.

Am I curious what will come? Yes! Yes!

Some of you are waiting for life to return to the way it was before the pandemic.  

Perhaps … don’t.

There has been a wave of change and it has touched your life in ways you may not yet know. 

What within this change have you treasured? 

Have you enjoyed the quiet? 

Have you treasured the connections missing or present with others? 

Have you found yourself saying the word “grateful” more often?

Have you slowed down or simplified life in some way?

Hold on to these treasures and carry them forward into your life. You have been reminded by the planet of what is dear to you. 

And if change has been beckoning, step into it.

Why not.


Have I Loved Well?


A Time For Rest