Do We Have Your Attention Yet?

Do we have your attention yet?

My friends in the Spirit world asked me this question yesterday.

“Do we have your attention yet?”

It was not asked in a gentle way.  It was asked firmly and determinedly.  “Do we have your attention yet?”  

I felt a little like a kid in the principal’s office who thought initially that I had a good story to defend my actions, only to realize sitting in the chair staring down the principal’s clear all-seeing eyes, that I was busted.

The world has come to a screeching halt.

The world is like a busy intersection with a giant T-Rex standing in the center.  The T-rex has a t-shirt on that says “Have I got your attention yet?”


Yes, I nod sheepishly, to the principal.  I’m listening.

(I slam on the brakes)

Yes, Mr T-Rex, you have my attention.

(My arm pits get damp, it’s me on the spot)

Yes, God, you have my attention again.

Yes, Planet Earth, you have my attention again. 

Yes, my sweet beating heart, you have my attention again.

If you think this is just a story of a “virus,” it is time to rethink it.

It is time to truly notice our interconnectedness, all of us on this Earth.

Have they got your attention, yet?  

Cause, boy, if they haven’t, I don’t want to see what replaces the T-Rex next time.


A Time For Rest


It's Time to Wake UP!