Across the entire f#ckin world...
I wrote this a few years ago, but for me it is still quite presently poignant. What if the only meaning to be made of life is from our own beautiful interactions with each other? If these moments are, in the end, the only moments worth living, the only reasons to be here, the only treasures to seek..? What if the only thing of real measure in my day today was the loving words I spoke to my daughter on the phone and the rest of the "tasks" and "things" mean naught.
And... what if in the face of all the sadness and despair in the world, we could actually see quantifiably the love that is also there. Like using a "black-light" so that you illuminate unseen designs on the walls, floors and ceiling. Discovering that the world is only one big flow of love... a constant exchange ... from one to another ... back and forth criss crossing the globe ... a web of sparkling particles dusting the planet like Tinker Bell's pixie dust...
Would the evidence of this love around us right now blind us with it's brilliance?
Across the Entire F#ckin World
We are eternal … you know.
There is no beginning
nor end to our form.
We spring from the air between the light,
from the nothing we can never grasp.
It can be both uncomfortable to feel this endlessness
as well as familiar
and we will spend our entire life
fighting the desire and need to embrace it.
we find ourselves here on this earth
in this form that walks and talks
and loves and hates
and such a quandary to find ourselves in.
Is there no way to reconcile this ...?
Yes, yes, yes, there is!
Because when I brush against you...
then these breath-taking prisms (- that are me)
interlace with the star dust
(- that is you)
and we do this magical dance
gliding across the night sky
scattering a brilliant trail of starlight
in our wake.
and if our human eyes could but tune into this frequency
we would see this brilliant residue coating the entire fucking world.