Searching for Beauty ... in you.
Drop Yourself
drop yourself into the nothingness
roll yourself over and over ...
in the dirt and the grime
get every surface of your body covered in filth
for there is nothing that will make me stop loving you.
- Lori, December 2015
I get to stumble
I get to fall
and I still deserve love - I am still lovable
I get to fail, hurt others, make mistakes,
make a fucking disaster of my life ...
and I am still deserving of love
This is the truth God (or your version of the Divine) is trying to convey
It is a right we were born with ...
a right we gave away
and our journey is to take it back
And yes, people out there will try to prove otherwise about you, or convince you that this is not true, because it is not true for them. But you can only hear them if they echo your internal voice.
Instead of looking for proof that we are not loved or can not be loved, what if instead we became detectives for the opposite?
What if today, as we navigate our life, we look for all the ways that we are loved, that we are loving, that we are lovable...?
What if we searched for our beauty instead…?