"Okay, Okay, I'm awake!" now ... "Who the F#@k am I?"

I am struck by the simple word “awaking” and the concept of this.

I find myself using this word as a describe certain moments in my life.  I say things like “then I awakened to my need for approval,” or “then I awakened to the knowing that I was in pain in my primary relationship.”  

What is this? 

So fascinating!  

Have I been asleep?  Am I now awake, like in the morning when I rise from nighttime sleep?   

When these moments have happened for me, there is a sudden intense feeling of aliveness.  It’s as if everything around me has become more vivid, more real, more vibrant, more intense - more “awake”?   

After the initial aliveness, there comes a feeling of disorientation.   It’s as if the foundation upon which I had operated was shifted.  Like there has been an Earthquake and the Earth below my feet is now unsteady.    “Where am I?   Where have I been?  Which way is North?   Who am I? Which way is up?  What did I believe that I no longer believe?”  

When I was 31 years old, I had one of these moments after taking my first Homeopathic remedy.  The Earth shifted.   I felt as if I had awoke from some dream.   Then, the disorientation.   

Shortly after I remember someone asking me a simple question, “Do you like dogs?”  I was about to answer “No, not really, I’m more of a cat person.” When suddenly I looked at that answer wondering- is this true?   Am I a cat person? 

Simultaneously, exciting and disturbing. 

What I had previously thought was a concrete definition of me, was actually in debate.  I remember I answered after a long pause and a nervous giggle ... “I don’t know..”  A fair and honest response.  (I can imagine the other person probably thought I was a little “touched”)

I felt exhilarated.  What had happened?   What part of me had been loosened so that I was more fluid and more able to be in question about myself?   Who am I? I don’t fuckin know!

Cool! 😎

I remember being so amazed that I could change like that inside.  Up until that moment, I thought the me that was me was just static.  A whole realm of possibility opened up!  

I was exhilarated, awake, and hooked!

Nearly 30 years later, I’m still hooked.  I still love to release something previously stuck in me and step into the unknown, into the chaos.  (And yes, I still resist at first) 

On the Earth right now there is a pull to wake up.  There is a request to step away from what we think is real or compulsory in the world around us and let ourselves settle into a new understanding of ourselves and our life.  

As the pandemic began it pulled away many of the ties to concrete things in my life, I felt uprooted and drifting. There was no more Burning Man, no more Ecstatic Dance, no more Process to teach, no more Program for Youths I was designing, no more yoga classes, no more laughter yoga in the park.  I reached out to grasp at things to anchor myself again but they were gone. 

Early in the pandemic my mind would say “when things return to normal…”   But I was helpless to hold the things in my life still so I eventually let them go.  I stopped saying “when things return to normal...”

In the midst of the resulting calm, I was given a quiet moment to reflect… “who am I and what do I want or need in life?”  

In the quiet, a deep voice was able to speak up and whisper to me of another way to live.  

A choice 

This is LILO saying “Good Morning!”

This is LILO saying “Good Morning!”

A possibility 

After that, much of my life changed.

Living here in my little cabin in Hawaii I sit next to my dog I adopted a couple weeks ago.  I humbly admit I love him, perhaps more deeply than I ever loved my cats.  

I can never return to the person who knew she was a “Cat person” because she is no longer concretely known in that way.  I can never return to the person I thought I was even six months ago because she is no longer concretely known.

Who am I? 

I don’t know

I don’t know

I have no fuckin idea!


Cool 😎


You've Gotten a "Hall Pass"


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