Fuck Off, Fear!
As chaos erupts around me, I am reminded that life gets reduced to a choice, fear or love. The world rocks and rolls on its own path and I get to choose in every second where I stand.
I may not be able to reopen the schools or fly the grounded planes or put toilet paper back on the shelves, but what I do own is me. I am sole proprietor of my being. I am autonomous. My way of being in the world is mine to choose. I can choose fear or love.
Fuck off, Fear.
Clearly I see what happens when the world has a Dark Side attack. Fear grabs us by the throat and we search for information to substantiate our peril. Common sense gets thrown out the window.
There are many real things in the world to be afraid of. Our life is fragile. Our bodies do get sick and sometimes people don’t get well, they die. This is the reality of human mortality. We cannot prevent this, no matter what we do.
We cannot prevent sickness and death.
Washing our hands or hiding away gives a false security, that somehow we have beat it.
In every moment, I can choose to not incubate fear, to not feed it. It is a monster. Fear breeds fear and somewhere in there we are apt to loose our humanity.
It may not be easy all the time, but as much as I can, I choose love
And let my choices grow from that.