A Sweet, Simple Love
Today I woke to the feeling of a sweet, simple love. It is love without drama, love without pain, and love without any external happenings. If it had a color it would be peach (at least inside of me it is peach). If it was represented in nature I think it would be a high mountain meadow, warm and still, filled with wild flowers, hidden from view. In my life today, I feel it in my primary relationship. This love that I have for my partner that asks nothing of me.
It starts inside.
There is something effortless about this kind of love. In fact effortlessness is the part that makes it so meaningful.
I admit as humans we are not usually drawn to this kind of love - this sweet simple love experience. It defies the program in our brain.
Loving without doing.
When the world goes wonky and hate seems around every corner, come back to the meadow for a while before you head out again.
I’ll see you there!